College Office » College Office

College Office

Ms. Christine Stamberg, College & Career Advisor
Room 146, Ext 1462
The College and Career Office is dedicated to helping students with all their post-secondary planning. Most of our efforts are directed towards college exploration and planning for successful careers in fields each person is passionate about. Each year, 85-90% of our graduates attend college. Over 70% attend college debt free and NO student has ever paid full priced tuition due to our very active financial aid programs. 
 Our students have been accepted to Ivy League and Ivy like colleges throughout the country such as Harvard, Columbia, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt, UCLA, Cooper Union, Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, among many more. We are with our students for every step of the process and have a dedicated College Counselor who is a true expert in all thing's college. Students are met with individually as well as in small groups to make sure that the process is tailored to everyone's needs. 
 The large, connected offices house multiple computers for students to work daily on applications, searching their interests and exploring scholarships. We hold dozens of general college visits throughout the fall and spring for all students to learn directly from college admissions counselors. In addition, the branches of the U.S. military as well as other vocational opportunities are shared. In the spring, we host a large-scale college and career fair in our building.
In short, we are your one-stop shop for the answers to all your post-graduation plans. We are open all lunch periods and after school and open to all grades. We hope to see you soon in room 146.